What's ABACUS?
The abacus is very useful since it not only improves math and calculation skills, but also enhances concentration, patience and memory. As a result, it helps boost your overall mental capability and capacity, and can be useful from children just starting school, to adults trying to maintain their mental health.
Learn MoreLearning Abacus
Taking this class will improve the following ability
Fast reading skill
In abacus there is a category called “Dictation” (quickly calculating a list of numbers you hear). Another lesson is where you quickly calculate groups of numbers. Both will train and increase your reading speed.
Concentration Patience
To be able to correctly answer problems in a limited time, you are required to concentrate, understand the problem, and accurately move your fingers. This abacus class will naturally improve your concentration skills.
Information processing ability
The stimulation of your right brain will make you have a more vivid image of imagining he abacus’ beads, while also trains your ability to process the problem effectively.
Anzan mainly uses the right brain, naturally leading to remember visual images in your head for a long time.
The right brain mainly helps problem solving and inventions. Practicing Anzan stimulates the right brain to improve creativity and visual imagination.
By repeating exercises that doesn’t allow mistakes, you will be able to read and understand the problem more carefully. This training is the basic step to gaining insights.
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